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HGH191AA Pre-Mixed Pen 10iu

HGH191AA (Human Growth Hormone 191AA) Somatropin is a peptide commonly adopted in research on human growth hormone (HGH) activation. The endocrine pituitary gland produces HGH191AA, which contains 191 amino acids.

According to research, the primary functions of HGH191AA include protein deposition, tissue growth, and subcutaneous fat breakdown. In addition, studies indicate that higher levels of growth hormones are produced during adolescence.

HGH191AA 10iu Pre-mixed Pen kit contains: 1 x Cartridge (premixed with Bacteriostatic Water), 1 x Cartridge Pen with 3 Pen Needle Tips, plus a Pen Carry Case.

Get a 10% discount on 3 cartridge pack.

HGH191AA 10iu Single Pre-mixed Cartridges: 1, 2 or 3 x Cartridge (premixed with Bacteriostatic Water) plus 3 Pen Needle Tips. (Single mixed cartridges do not contain the pen or case)


Buy HGH191AA Pre-Mixed Pen 10iu Sweden

Research indicates that the GHRH pathway causes HGH secretion during sleep. Moreover, this mechanism induces the creation of somatostatin, commonly known as Growth Hormone-Inhibiting Hormone or GHIH. This peptide hormone regulates the endocrine system and limits insulin and glucagon release.

Human Growth Hormone 191AA or HGH191AA study has demonstrated that it can enhance anabolism, especially metabolic pathways. Allowing the creation of molecules from smaller units, for example, increases the proliferation of body cells. This, in turn, raises the rate of cell division.

In research, HGH has demonstrated anti-ageing therapeutic advantages. For instance, it led to treating age-related degenerative illnesses such as weak bones, muscle degeneration, and some heart-related disorders.

Research suggests that HGH191AA could be used in various ways, including to increase fat reduction, because the peptide is produced from a process that utilises fats to stimulate cells.

Studies have demonstrated that HGH191AA Somatropin is also significantly more effective at treating wounds. The results of tests on the regeneration of injured cartilage were positive. Using this peptide with insulin growth factor may increase its effectiveness.
According to studies, it may boost endurance and stimulate the creation of red blood cells via the erythropoiesis process, which promotes anabolism.

Benefits of  HGH191AA Pre-Mixed Pen Sweden:

Research has suggested that the HGH191AA pre-mixed pen could have the following benefits:

  • Boost muscle mass by accelerating your body’s natural process of cell replacement.
  • Enhances muscle regeneration by facilitating recovery from intense exercise, athletics, and other injuries.
  • HGH increases the breakdown of body fat
  • Strengthens bones due to stimulation of cells
  • Limits insulin and glucagon release.




Benefits of Pharma Grade Store Pre-mixed Peptide Pens

Pre-mixed pen kits include a cartridge, have a dosage dial, and single-use needle tips inside the case. As a result, pens are easier, more accurate, and more convenient than a vial and syringe. Single cartridges can be used to top up your kit.

Other benefits include:

  • Usability, especially for those new to research peptides.
  • The pens are portable and convenient.
  • The ability to set doses precisely using a dial.
  • Reduces the stress of mixing correctly
  • Because they are pre-mixed, they save time.
  • There are various accessories to facilitate storage and use.



DISCLAIMER: All products sold by PharmaGrade.Store are for research and laboratory use only. These products are not designed for use or consumption by humans or animals. They are not to be classified as a drug, food, cosmetic, or medicinal product and must not be mislabelled or used as such. By purchasing from our Website the buyer accepts and acknowledges the risks involved with handling of these products. All articles and product information provided on this Website are for informational and educational purposes only. Handling and use of these products should be restricted to suitably qualified professionals.

Additional information


Pen Kit with 1 pre-mixed cartridge, 1 single mixed cartridge, 2 pre-mixed cartridges, 3 pre-mixed cartridges

Pen instructions

All pre-mixed cartridges are mixed with 2ml bacteriostatic water, pens will release approximately 0.5ml per 60 dials on the pen (one full pen)

To achieve the number of micrograms (mcg) that 1 dial on the pen will release you will need to simply divide the amount of product:

2mg = 2000mcg

5mg = 5000mcg

by the full amount of pen dials (which will always be 240)

E.g., 5000mcg divided by 240 = 20.83, therefore 1 dial on the pen for all 5mg products will release approximately 20.83mcg.

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